1. Market situation
Jupiler is one of the historical partners of the Red Devils. For more than 30 years, Jupiler is supporting the players, celebrating the victories, and encouraging the one-day-fans and forever-fans in all situations. Indisputably, this partnership creates visibility and likeability for the brand. But it's more than that. Jupiler and football share the same belief: 'In union, there is strength'. In other words, Jupiler and football both believe in the power of the group to make all individuals better. But 2021 was a special year, mostly special because the 'Golden generation' was playing; again.
Obviously, Jupiler wasn't the only one to capture that cultural insight. Official partners and non-official partners would all play the Euro Cup game too. So, while partnering with the Red Devils and supporting them for decades was supposed to bring us more visibility, it would drown Jupiler into a sea of sameness in 2021. Especially, a red sea of sameness.
Even more difficult: the lager market was declining in market share year over year by 2% over the past 10 years. Yet, new Ab Inbev budget policies due to Covid measures had forced us to cut almost half of the Net Media investments for the Euro Cup 2020 campaign (-45,1% in 2021 versus 2018). So just dominating the share of voice would have proven to be difficult.
We had to steal the show to catch's people attention and make Jupiler the only essential drink to support the Red Devils.