Samen genieten met Cornet - Palm | Effie case 2018

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Palm - Samen genieten met Cornet

Samen genieten met Cornet

Bronze Effie
Palm - Dallas Antwerp
Consumer Goods

Palm - Samen genieten met Cornet

Samen genieten met Cornet

Bronze Effie
Palm - Dallas Antwerp
Consumer Goods


2017 marked the second year of the strong blond oaked beer CORNET in Belgian retail. Would we be able to continue the growth or face a decline in year 2 and like 80% of all innovation ultimately being discontinued1? The business strategy remained the same as the successful one in 2016, i.e. move from a volume to a value strategy.

The core strategic idea started still from the resonating consumer insight 'I want to take a break from the 21st century' and the creative execution amplified our communication platform 'The Knights of Good Taste'.

The biggest change to 2016 was the focus in the plan on TV and digital advertising. Total brand investment was 1.1M €, of which 600K in communication. Turnover increased by 55%, incremental of 1.3M €. Every € invested in communication yielded a net return of 100% in sales.

1 'Why Most Product Launches Fail' - Business Harvast review - April 2011 Issue


80%+ of innovation fades in year 2, the challenge for us was how to grow consistently and sustainably in a saturated market which is still flooded with new strong blond and other craft beers.


The brand strategy
Focus on the value offer, position CORNET as a belonging beer fuelling authentic friendship, based upon the consumer insight 'I want to take a break from the 21st century and long for real authentic moments of friendship'.

The strategy execution
Build the brand through the people complemented by a step up in above the line communication: from the brewery team all the way to the beer-loving drinkers, all with the intent to engage them as Knights of Good Taste, accelerated with a TV and online video campaign in North and South.


With an investment of 1.1M € we grew turnover by 55% and realised a net return on communication investment of at least 100% on every € invested.

Volume in hectoliter 3.025 12.339 16.000
Total Awareness NA 30-34% (est) 50%
(I drunk in past half year)
NA 8-10% (est) 15%
Value Retail
Market Share
NA Exit 2016: 1,3%
Full Year 2016: 1,1%
Full Year: 1,3%

Please note 2016 Awareness and Trial data are estimates based on quantitative product research by Haystack in March 2017.

Kristof Ampe

Kristof is an independent marketing and sales consultant and founder of TripleA Services. He has more than 20 years of blue chip experience in marketing, innovation, strategy and commercial roles with Unilever and AB-Inbev, complemented with start-up experience in e-commerce and consultancy. He has worked locally, regionally and globally in various countries and regions.

His experience is in predominantly in FMCG in many categories, of which alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Together with Palm NV, Kristof has defined and executed the strategy and implementation of Cornet.

Palm - Kristof Ampe

Dallas Antwerp
Stijn Gansemans

Stijn, Creative Partner of Dallas Antwerp has 25 years of experience as a creative in independent agencies such as LVH, GV/Company and LDV. After a 1 year sabbatical he joins DuvalGuillaume Antwerp as a Co-Creative Director for 4 years.

In 2006 he co-founds the agency Openhere which becomes Dallas Antwerp in 2012. Stijn is the leading creative of the CORNET campaigns.

Dallas Antwerp - Stijn Gansemans